Jean Aklufi
Jean Aklufi never considered herself an artist. Facing retirement from her long career in education, she thought of the kinds of things she enjoyed doing the most in her free time. What came up was doing crafts, making home decorations, Halloween costumes, etc. Her fellow administrators gifted her retirement with lessons and supplies with Riverside glass artist, Judy Davies. These lessons and the wonderful encouragement from Judy, led Jean to feel confidence in colors and glasswork. This positive experience encouraged Jean to explore many more avenues of artistic expression. Joining Art Alliance, becoming familiar with the Riverside Art Museum, taking advantage of the many adult art classes that were offered at the time, as well as meeting the many artists in Riverside, was a privilege and gift. Through RAM classes with Connie Lynn Pico and Chick Curtis, Jean discovered painting. In her paintings, Jean loves to tell stories about people, places and things.
Celebrating the Joy of Retirement